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How to configure a fast end to end NVMe I/O path for vSAN

A quick blog post as this came up recently. Someone who was looking t NVMoF with their storage was asking how do they configure a similar end to end vSAN NVMe I/O path that avoids SCSI or serial I/O queues.

Why would you want this? NVMe in general uses significantly less CPU per IOP compared to SCSI, has simpler hardware requirements commonly (no HBA needed), and can deliver higher throughput and IOPS at lower latency using parallel queuing.

This is simple:

  1. Start with vSAN certified NVMe drives.
  2. Use vSAN ESA instead of OSA (It was designed for NVMe and parralel queues in mind, with additional threading at the DOM layer etc).
  3. Start with 25Gbps ethernet, but consider 50 or 100Gbps if performance is your top concern.
  4. Configure the vNVMe adapter instead of the vSCSI or LSI Buslogic etc. controllers.
  5. (Optional) – Want to shed the bonds of TCP and lower networking overhead? Consider configuring vSAN RDMA (RCoE). This does require some specific configuration to implement, and is not required but for customers pushing the limits of 100Gbps in throughput this is something to consider.
  6. Deploy the newest vSAN version. The vSAN I/O path has seen a number of improvements even since 8.0GA that make it important to upgrade to maximize performance.

To get started adda. NVMe Controller to your virtual machines, and make sure VMtools is installed in the guest OS of your templates.

Note you can Migrate existing VMDKs to vNVMe (I recommend doing this with the VM powered off). Also before you do this you will want to install VMtools (So you have the VMware paravirtual NVMe controller driver installed).