The Future of VMware EUC
So VMware View 5.2 is almost here, and there’s a sweeping set of changes.
First of all the primary way to buy the suite is moving from a per connection to a per named user (yes I know this is ugly for schools but I’ve been promised by project managers they are going to work around this/play lets make a deal to help people out).
The new Suite under the name of Horizon will include the following.
- A drop box clone with on premise encrypted storage, and granular permissions (based on subnet accessed etc even) that should make even the grouchiest SOX auditor smile.
- Workspace, a portal to all your internal, external apps (thinapp, Salesforce etc).
- VMware View 5.2 which includes some nice small features (thinapps on a per user basis, as well as a HTML5 client that requires no plugin.
- Mirage – A desktop imaging, application layering, WAN accelerated backup and swiss army knife solution.
- A focus on EUC for the long term. VMware is committed to making their EUC division one of the 3 key segments of their business. It is no longer the awkward step child, staffing has increased, budgets have increased, and with a new aggressive $300 per named user for the whole enchilada expect market share to go up.